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ABCDE Approach to Assessment

Labor Analgesia (Cont) & Neuraxial Troubleshooting

Labor Analgesia

Neuraxial risks, PDPH, ACLS and Non-OB Surgery in Pregnancy

Pregnancy Physiology & Hypertensive Disorders

Neonatal Resuscitation

Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring

Post-Partum Hemorrhage

Neuraxial Troubleshooting & Misc Obstetric Anesthesia

C-sections: elective, urgent & emergent

POCUS Basics

POCUS Parasternal Long (1/2)

POCUS Parasternal Long (2/2)

POCUS Parasternal Short (1/2)

POCUS Parasternal short (2/2)

Pulmonary ultrasound (1/2)




POCUS Parasternal Short (2/2)

POCUS Parasternal Short (1/2)

POCUS Apical (3/3)

POCUS Apical (2/2)

POCUS Apical (1/3)

POCUS Subcostal (1/2)

POCUS Subcostal (2/2)

Pulmonary Ultrasound

Sevrage du respirateur et extubation

Pressions élevées, désaturations et asynchronie

Ventilation Protectrice (LPV) 2/2

Ventilation Protectrice (LPV) 1/2

Soins respiratoires, configuration et monitorage

Assistance en pression + Mode double

Contrôle de la pression ventilation

Contrôle du volume ventilation

Mécanique respiratoire

Oxygénothérapie et dispositifs d’administration

Destete y extubación del ventilador

Terapias complementarias para hipoxemia por SDRA

Ventilación protectora de los pulmones (LPV) 2/2

Ventilación protectora de los pulmones (LPV) 1/2

Cuidados respiratorios, Ajuste, & Monitoreo

Soporte de presión ventilación y mas

Control de presión ventilación

Control de volumen ventilaciòn

Mecánica respiratoria

Fuentes de oxígeno y Dispositivos para su administración

Pulmonary ultrasounds POCUS

Anesthesia & airway emergencies

Pediatric & neonate airway, vitals tables

Neuraxial anesthesia

Anesthetics and common antibiotics

Anesthesia & critical care medications (4 of 4)

Anesthesia & critical care medications (3 of 4)

Anesthesia & critical care medications (2 of 4)

Anesthesia & critical care medications (1 of 4)

Pre-induction checklist & formulas

Pressure support (PS) ventilation mode

Pressure control (PC) ventilation mode

Volume control ventilation mode

Respiratory mechanics & choosing a mode

Lung protective ventilation (2 of 2)

Lung protective ventilation (1 of 2)

High pressures, desaturations & dyssynchrony

Weaning mechanical ventilation, delirium & agitation

Routine bedside respiratory care

Non-invasive oxygen delivery

Desmame do ventilador e extubação

Ventilação mecânica protetora (2/2)

Ventilação mecânica protetora (1/2)

Cuidado respiratório, preparação e monitoramento

Pressão de suporte y modo duplo

Pressão controlada

Volume controlado

Mecânica respiratória

Fontes de oxigênio e dispositivos de fornecimento

Pressões altas, dessaturações e assincronia