Oxygen FAQ

Up to date, expert answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about oxygen supply systems, respiratory care and pulse oximetry written by OCC & collaborators.

How does Test to Treat improve the experience of the clinical team?

▪ Test to Treat takes advantage of effective oral treatments for high-risk patients, leading to decreased progression to severe disease or death. This is an incredible advance in care for COVID-19 patients and can improve the health of individuals and the broader community – this is what motivates clinicians! Having faced such challenges throughout the pandemic, the opportunity to provide effective treatment for COVID-19 patients is excellent.

▪ Implementing Test to Treat in your facility and community relies on building efficient, streamlined workflows. This requirement could enhance community awareness and improve overall workflows in your health facility and help create efficiency when caring for patients with respiratory symptoms.

-By EPiC FHI360

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