Level 1 = This fundamental material is intended for a broad audience of learners, of multiple cadres, who may provide care for patients with severe or critical illness, but may have little or no experience caring for severe or critically-ill patients and are usually not the primary decision maker for guiding care.
Level 2 = This intermediate material is intended for a more advanced audience of learners than level 1, with some experience caring for patients with severe or critical illness, and may not be essential for all practitioners who provide this level of care.
Level 3 = This advanced material is intended for an audience with significant experience caring for patients with severe and critical illness, including those who guide care decisions these patients.
Infection Prevention Control
Total Duration: Estimated 4-6 hours
By the end of these modules, you should be able to:
- Explain how to protect staff and patients from COVID19
- Identify the steps to safely put on and take off PPE required for COVID19 care
- Define standard, contact, droplet and airborne precautions
- Identify when and how PPE can safely be reused when supplies are limited
- Identify strategies for planning/managing PPE supplies
Toggle training levels to filter information, or hover over for more details.
All Skill Levels
Facility infection prevention control: disinfection and waste management
By the end of these courses, learners should be able to:
1. Identify the sources of waste at a health care facility and describe best practices for collecting and managing health care waste
2. Describe standard precautions to keep environmental services workers safe and explain function and use of cleaning agents and disinfectants
3. Describe the various methods of disinfection and sterilization and the workflow layout for appropriate handling
Guidelines: Reprocessing Basic Resuscitation Equipment in Resource-Limited Settings
Leadership & programme management in Infection Prevention & Control
By the end of these courses, learners should be able to:
1. define leadership as it applies to the roles and responsibilities of the IPC focal person;
2. Describe how the three factors of successful implementation—context, innovation, and recipients—define a framework for improving IPC activities
3. Define leadership as it applies to the roles and responsibilities of the IPC focal person
Publication: Environmental Cleaning in Healthcare Facilities in Resource-Limited Settings
Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of PPE during Shortages by CDC
Course on occupational health and safety for health workers in the context of COVID-19
Module 1: Infectious risks to health and safety
Module 2: Physical risks to health and safety
Module 3: Psychosocial risks to health and safety
Module 4: Basic occupational health and safety in health services.
Hand Hygiene Course & Brochure
By the end of these courses and videos, learners will be able to:
1. Describe proper technique of hand washing
2. Understand importance of glove use and hand hygiene
Injection and needle safety
By the end of these courses, learners will be able to:
1. Identify proper needle handling technique and disposal
2. Describe what to do if a needle-stick injury does occur
Precauciones básicas: Higiene de las manos
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
- describir la higiene de las manos
- reconocer los 5 momentos para la higiene de las manos;
- abordar el uso de guantes y la higiene de las manos
COVID-19 EPP ¿Cómo uso mi EPP de manera segura?
COVID-19 Skills Preparation Course (C19_SPACE)
C19_SPACE stands for the Skills PrepAration CoursE. It is available for every doctor and nurse working in a hospital with an Intensive Care Unit. Self-paced learning including 8 modules, 2D virtual reality, and 4 video clinical cases - topics including “Personal Safety, Donning and Doffing of PPE” to “Basic of Respiratory Support and Haemodynamic Monitoring”. By the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.
COVID-19: Cómo ponerse y quitarse el equipo de protección personal (EPP)
Curso de capacitación en línea sobre equipos de protección personal
Este curso de capacitación en línea gratuito, completo e interactivo fue creado por Lifebox para apoyar la capacitación de los trabajadores de la salud en el uso de equipos de protección personal (EPP). El curso fue diseñado para tener relevancia para los proveedores en todos los entornos de práctica, incluidos aquellos en los que los recursos pueden ser variables.
Hand washing in hospitals
Infografía sobre COVID-19 EPP
Personal Protective Equipment Online Training Course
This free, comprehensive, interactive online training course was created by Lifebox to support healthcare worker training in personal protective equipment (PPE) use. The course was designed to have relevance to providers in all practice settings, including those where resources may be variable.
PPE Donning and Doffing Infographic
Available in multiple languages from Lifebox.org
PPE for COVID-19 Infographic by Lifebox
PPE Supply Burn Rate Calculator by CDC
Respirator Types: Understanding the Difference by CDC
Respiratory Types: Understanding the Difference by CDCResumen de las estrategias para optimizar el suministro de EPP durante periodos de escasez by CDC
Resumen de las estrategias para optimizar el suministro de EPP durante periodos de escasez by CDCSeminario sobre descontaminación y reutilización de N95: expandiendo el EPP para la primera línea
Webinar on N95 Decontamination & Reuse (1h14m) by LifeboxWebinar on N95 Decontamination and Reuse: Expanding PPE for the Frontline
Webinar on N95 Decontamination & Reuse (1h14m) by LifeboxAll IPC Resources in OCC Library
All IPC Resources on OpenCriticalCareCOVID-19 Guidelines Dashboard
This dashboard summarizes the latest guidelines from select leading authorities and institutions (WHO, CDC, NIH, IDSA, ESICM & more) and provides direct links to full guidelines and the evidence behind them.
Infection Prevention & Control Protocols & Reference
IPC Chapter COVIDprotocols.orgPrevención y Control de Infecciones
Prevención y Control de Infecciones COVIDprotocols.orgSalud y seguridad ocupacional para profesionales de la salud en el contexto de la COVID-19
Al finalizar este curso, los participantes deberán ser capaces de:
- describir los riesgos ocupacionales más frecuentes para la salud y la seguridad a los que están expuestos los profesionales de la salud durante su respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19;
- describir los derechos del personal de salud a trabajar en unas condiciones dignas;
- describir cómo aplicar medidas para proteger su salud y su seguridad y proponer activamente las mejoras
- obtener acceso y usar los servicios de apoyo para la protección de la salud y la seguridad del personal de salud.
Tablero de Guías para la COVID-19
Este recurso agrega directrices de las principales autoridades sanitarias a nivel mundial para la atención de pacientes con la COVID-19 y las consolida en una única recomendación basada en la concordancia.