Oxygen FAQ

Up to date, expert answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about oxygen supply systems, respiratory care and pulse oximetry written by OCC & collaborators.

How much water does an active heated humidification system use per day?

The amount of water consumed per day by active humidification depends upon several factors including minute ventilation requirements and the ability of a specific humidification system to reach and maintain the goal of providing between 33 to 44 mgH2O/L of ventilation. Under ideal conditions (use of a heated wire circuit to prevent rainout) at low (5L/min), average for critical-illness (10L/min) and high (15 L/min) minute ventilation demands, the estimated daily consumption would be approximately the following: For the gas conditioning criteria of 33-44 mgH20/L estimated H2O consumption would be approximately 250-300, 500-600 and 700-1000 mL/day, respectively.

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